Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I want to configure my linux machine as a router? i have a ppp0 broadband connection.?

I also have another m/c(linux) connected using crossover. the linux router i was taking abt has 2 ethernet interfaces.... one for the ppp0 broad band connectiona and the other one for the other linux machine. i want to have net access in another machine as well... how do i do that without using squid??

I want to configure my linux machine as a router? i have a ppp0 broadband connection.?
Enable packet forwarding on your linux machine by editing /etc/sysctl.conf or by setting /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to 1. Using iptables, allow forwarded traffic from the other system to pass through and also SNAT it before it leaves for internet.
Reply:No need to use squid. Just configure simple iptables rules in your linux box. you will find on in iptables HOW TO. Before doing this you would need enable routing in ur linux box. All these details are in the same HOWTO go get it and start working.

Waise you can also try ipcop distro, its very easy to install, configure and rock solid in performance.

Do let us know hw ws your exp

morning glory

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