Thursday, July 30, 2009

Any links to learn ubuntu linux?can u let me know a few basics?

How to establish a broadband internet connection(ppoe which requires a username and password) moreover how do i access the files which are on partitions other than the one on which ubuntu linux is installed.Windows xp shows c:(on which it is installed) ,d: and e: whereas the partitioned space taken away by linux isn't visible and in linux i clicked almost everywhere ! but i could not find any of those drives .Should i use the partition manager to copy files on the partition which linux is using or is there a better way by which both operating systems can use the files without having an extra copy of them

Any links to learn ubuntu linux?can u let me know a few basics?
re broadband internet:

pppoeconf -- you need your ISP account userid and password. You can test this out on the live CD if you want.

re disk partitions:

If your windows partition is NTFS (win2k and winxp use it) then it is wise to set up a small, seperate FAT32 partition if you have some linux files you want to share with your windows. Otherwise, it is easy to have linux read your windows files.

Just create an entry in your /etc/fstab file.

/dev/hda1 /windows ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0

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