Friday, July 31, 2009

LINUX experts plz, and WINDOWs XP also. PLZ this is very important?

i am having a virus on my windows XP, it is called SCCVIHOST.exe, i am not able to delete it by any means, i even formatted the C partition but with no succes also

so i installed LINUX Mandrake 9 on the same PC having the virus so that i can delete the virus from linux by logging into the other paritions dealing with windows:

i was able to install linux and log into the windows partition, but i am not able to delete the files of this virus, the system tells me, that these are read only file system, how can i solve this? if it helps, i got this error when trying to delete the file from the WINDOWS folder !

another question which may sound stupid, i am not able to log into into folders with (spaces) in their names, for example, if i have a folder named (new folder), i write (cd new folder/) but it does not work! linux cannot find the specified folder !!

PLZ any help will be great, i dont want to format the whole Hard disk, thx a lot

LINUX experts plz, and WINDOWs XP also. PLZ this is very important?
there are alot of reasons that Linux may not be able to alter files on a NTFS (windows) partition... usually has to deal with Linux not fully supporting that file system... it can read it... but not alter it... another solution would be to install a basic version of windows on the second partition and use it to delete the file... OR... since your windows install is obviously screwed... go in, backup your data, and wipe the computer.... oh yeah... and GET ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE
Reply:oh !, windows in NTFS will not allow WRITE facility to any other Linux/3rd party programs

Its a virus/variant which has copied itself to memory and then attached itself to the headers of the executable windows files so, they could reside in memory ( only programs in memory could perform any operation)

just install a good Advanced Heuristic based anti-virus and boot into safe-mode and scan with it.

Eset's NOD32 offers similar facility and also offers fully functional 30 day trial, very fast and heuristic also scans for trojan/spyware etc.. may be u go for that
Reply:regarding that cd command type cd "new folder". you are done. i mean if there are spaces in the name of folder you need to type the name inside double quotes. or you can even type cd newfol~1. but this is a little bit confusing i think because if the folder you need to access is named "hot is fine" or something like that you need to type cd hotisf~1. ie need to type first six letters of the folder name continuosly without spaces and then tild ~ symbol followed by 1, 2 or so on.

better use the double quotes method.

regarding the virus you said your virus's name is sccvihost.exe. i think the name is probably scvhost.exe. that is indeed a virus. we often confuse it with svchost.exe which is a generic windows process.

you can try one thing. log into os using safe mode by selecting F8 during booting. use administrator credentials using log-on. then try to delete the files which you associate with virus. because of safe mode and because of administrator rights files should be deleted. if they refuse even then try changing their attributes by selecting properties and then removing read-only option. it may even say "it can't delete the file because it's in use." if that is the case use windows task manager and then try stopping scvhost.exe, not svchost.exe mind you, and then change attributes and then delete.

if none of these methods work, try this.

to get rid of it try something like zone alarm pro or spybot. don't worry it's just another virus.

and one more thing. to remove virus or some file you installed linux???? i sincerely appreciate your patience. :)
Reply:what linux distro are you using? Some distros do not support NTFS ffile system, and most only allow read access by default.

You formated your hard drive and it is still in your windows folder ? are you sure its not svchost.exe cuz that a part of wnidows? What did you use to format your drive? scence you already formated once I saymake sure you have all your data backed up and use Gparted to format the whole drive.
Reply:I don't think unix allows spaces in folder names, so that might be part of the problem. It also doesn't like underscores so you should use dashes. If you use the command line you should be able to change the attributes of the files and folders that you can't delete.
Reply:If you're still able to boot windows, boot it in safe mode (by pressing F8 repeatedly while the computer's booting up and selecting safe mode)

When you've successfully booted to the desktop, right-click "My Computer" and select "Properties"

Go to the System Restore tab and check the box labeled "Turn Off System Restore on all drives", then click OK.

The reason for this being that your virus is perpetuating via Windows' internal file protection protocols, so every time you delete the virus, Windows thinks you have deleted a system file, and restores it from a backup. Once System Restore is disabled, run your antivirus scanner and choose to Delete anything that is found, -do not- move the virus to a vault, as it could still manage to perpetuate.

As for your filesystem problems, lots of command line systems use an abridging system that turns long folder names, or filenames with spaces into things like "new~1" for "New Folder" ...just a thought, but see if you can get a directory listing of files and folders that includes a short file name using a certain command switch.
Reply:Ouch that is a lot of work!

It is on your partion for backing up Windows.

You have to turn off back up in XP before you run the virus scan with ....say AVG 7.5 free edition to clear it.

If that doesn't work the easiest thing is pull your hard drive and slave it in a another computer to get that comp to remove the virus with it's AV program. Some of these registry virus's are not removable from the BOOT DISK(the active hardrive)

Good luck and happy hunting

AAS Computer Networking, ISP Help Desk Tech
Reply:sweetie, first of all, i haven't heard of the SCCVIHOST.exe, but the svchost.exe is standard on windows, and is a systems operation. always google something before you try to delete it, or you'll crash your windows.

also, LINUX and windows do not communicate well, so would need to install SAMBA in order for them to do so.

and as far as getting into your folders with spaces in the name, LINUX does not like spaces, so you have to trick it. try these methods, the first being the best.

cd 'New (hit tab)

cd 'New Folder'

cd 'new folder'

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