Thursday, July 30, 2009

Linux Ubuntu?

I have a Acer T180 desktop. I have windows Vista and I am wanting to install Linux Ubuntu.. I have three partitions; C:, D:, and PQservice. I was wondering if Installing Linux would format my PQservice.. and I need my PQservice to return my computer back to Factory Default just in case Linux doesn't work.

So my final Question: Will installing Linux on my Acer format my PQservice partition?

I have looked it up on the internet and I never got a final answer...some said it would delete and others said it didn't..

So will it format my PQservice Partition?

Linux Ubuntu?
i'm assuming you have vista? for vista, rtclk computer %26gt;manage%26gt; disk serice or something. inside of it, it gives you the option to shrink a drive. do this. give ubuntu maybe 10gb. then you're going to install it ot that drive. it will set up grub for you. make sure not to install or format any of the other drives and you should have all of the data that was originally on it. then when it boots, it will let you choose whether you boot into winblows or ubuntu. is a good place to ask questions and stuff. gj on deciding to start linux. ubuntu is still my favorite.
Reply:As a Windows user myself i must say i applaud users who at least are open to alternative OS like Ubuntu and this back up plan may one day become the main one depending if Big Brother screws us over badl! Like you i was at first clueless about Ubuntu but do drop down to the Ubuntu forums cos the forum dudes are friendly and pros!

Edit: Ubuntu is far harware friendly and can run on most older generation processor! A single core AMD A64 is considered 'good'
Reply:I wouldn't remove the PQservice partition. It is sometimes necessary. Ubuntu has tools that allow it to resize existing Windows partitions and make room for itself. You probably don't need to worry, but if you need to replace a partition, replace D.

So no, it will not format the PQservice partition.
Reply:not if you dont want it to any hdd drive can hold a fourth partition so just resize the vista partition and dual boot or the other option is to completely remove the vista partition keep the pq service and install linux. You won't have to delete the pqservice.

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