Friday, July 31, 2009

How do I remove Sabayon - Linux OS from a Toshiba laptop set up with a dual boot to WinXP Home, too?

I've acquired a Toshiba laptop with two operating systems on it. WinXP Home and Sabayon-Linux. I've looked in the WinXP Control Panel-Add/Remove Programs but there is no reference to Linux. I've looked at My Computer - C:\ drive and see no reference or folders to the Linux system. I've done a global search for the term Sabayon on the C:\ drive, no joy. I have Administrator privileges on the WinXP OS, but only a logon password for the Linux OS. The previous owner got the PC with both OS' installed. I have a legit copy of WinXP Home with validation codes. I also have an OEM disk of WinXP Pro with activation codes, but when I tried to use it, it said it was an older version of XP and declined to run.

I am totally unfamiliar with Linux and would like to regain the hard drive space being occupied by the Linux OS.

I would prefer not to have to reformat the drive and reinstall the WinXP and lose all the installed programs. TIA

How do I remove Sabayon - Linux OS from a Toshiba laptop set up with a dual boot to WinXP Home, too?
From windows xp you can go to my computer and just format the the drive that linux is on. And then go to control panel adminstators tools and disk managment and from there you should be able unpartician the drive.
Reply:FIRST you MUST use "fixmbr" to overwrite the grub boot loader. Once that is done, and the machine only boots to windoze, you can safely use windoze to reformat the linux partition. If you delete Linux without overwriting grub with fixmbr your machine will stop before booting, until you use fixmbr.

But, if you have a working Sabayon partition, why not tinker with it? Sabayon is an interesting linux distribution.

Being a handicapped (by M$) OS, Windoze can not see/read linux partitions. M$ doesn't want you using anything but M$-compatible programs, preferably paying $$$ to M$.

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