Friday, July 31, 2009

Installing linux?

i want to try linux and i have a commputer ronning 2000 home server and it is pretishined into half fat format and half ntfe or what ever it is. i downloaded linux from and put it to a C.D.R.W. and i want to know if i can duel boot linux woth 2000 home server

Installing linux?
you can put as boots as you want. but the recommended option is to try a live cd. and i know the best one it is arabian it is found at

installing linux could disturb your hard drive you should know how to partition it with linux file systems such as ext3, reiserFS
Reply:Yes, you can dual boot or even tri-boot. Here is more info.
Reply:You can just try linux by booting a liveCD.
Reply:try to download and install debian linux very good for debian help

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