Thursday, July 30, 2009

Error in Linux programming, undefined refrence to 'pow'?

I wrote a c program in linux :

#include %26lt;math.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;string.h%26gt;

int str2int(char str[])


int m,i,,k=0;



k=k+((int) str[m-i]-48)*(int) pow(10,i);



but when compile with gcc promt me:

/tmp/cciDKLpD.o(.txt+0x57): In function 'str2int' :

:undefined refrence to 'pow'

collected2: ld returned 1 exit status.

Why this error occured?

Error in Linux programming, undefined refrence to 'pow'?
you may need to compile with the -lm compiler directive....

so compile like this

gcc source.c -lm
Reply:i prefer the method below for converting strings to ints in C++,

what i can see from your code is an un-declared array (char str[]) and from my research it looks like your missing the following header file: #include %26lt;sstream%26gt;

my way:

#include %26lt;sstream%26gt;

#include %26lt;string%26gt;

using namespace std;

// string to int

string some_string;

istringstream buffer(some_string);

int some_int;

buffer %26gt;%26gt; some_int;

// int to string

int some_int;

ostringstream buffer;

buffer %26lt;%26lt; some_int;

string some_string = buffer.str();

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