Friday, July 31, 2009

Linux DX10?

I have a windows xp media center and dont wana upgrade to vista because it not worth it. I am getting a new video card nivida 8600 GTS with dx 10 and can linux run dx 10? and play the new games like c%26amp;c 3, halo 2, and ect..... because i know xp cant run dx10. what do u guy recomend?

Linux DX10?
Unfortunately Linux doesn't support Direct X 10 although I have heard somewhere that there is a project to reverse engineer it but I've not heard anything recently so I'm not sure anything will come of it.

As far as I am aware, currently the only way to use Direct X 10 is in Windows Vista.

You can run older games in Linux though, some games such as Doom 3 and Darwinia have versions available for Linux, and if you already own a Windows copy then you can get the Linux version for free. Other games require a soloution such as Wine, Cedega or Crossover, which are sets of things called 'APIs' from Windows which basically allow you to run Windows software (including games) under Linux, however this doesn't always work and some software just won't work at all with this method.

Another way to run Direct X 10 games on Linux would be to actually use Windows. The best way to do this would probably be to dual boot with Linux and Windows Vista, or you could use a program such as VMware which will run Windows Vista (or any other operating system) in a windows on your Linux desktop, allowing you to run Windows software without having to reboot, although this may have a performance hit and may not be the best way to run games.

Hope this helps, and good luck in your journey into the world of Linux.
Reply:you will find that you can run all windows programs through linux, by making your system a virtual machine, with linux and windows.. or you could set it up to do a dual boot system, depending on what linux system your going to install.

you will also find that linux support is second to none. all you need to do is join the support groups and forums of the version your going to install..

and you will have no problems with drivers like there is with Vista..

check out the websites below

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