Thursday, July 30, 2009

Linux vs windows?

i havent played any games on my p.c for a week and the first game i played it crashed

this started me thinking"is it time i lay windows to rest and install linux on my p.c"

i mean the sabayon dvd linux is 100 times better than any windows vista version,infact any windows ever made

however one factor stops me from going down this road,linux is great for surfing the web and photo editing but it wont play any of my games,suprisingly i only actually play 3 games(doom3,need for speed underground 2,fia gtr racing simulation)

i would like to hear your veiws on why i should bin windows and install linux

to be honest guys,i have been using computers on and off since the zx81,s and the linux sabayon and mandriva are the best operating systems i have ever seen,and the best must go to sabayon

your veiws will be appreciated


Linux vs windows?
hi not a geek like u in linux,,but i have used redhat,suse,mandrake,ubuntu,knoppix,lins... etc..after using all these i came to an conclusion tht linux is much better thn windows as far as graphics , features n performance are concerned.but there are nt much games to be played on linux as most of the games support windows..but the applications are far better on linux..and the interfaces are also becoming easier to use day by day,, so its a wise decision to switch to linux ..
Reply:I'd go for a either a dual boot option, so you can be productive with Linux (I use Fedora and Ubuntu variously at work), and boot into Windows to play games.

Alternatively, if you don't want the hassle of rebooting when you want to change OS, try colinux, which is basically Linux in a Windows window. It doesn't have all the low level access to the hardware as it would if you'd booted into Linux, but it does a pretty good job. I have used it extensively when I've needed Windows to be running (some tools I use are only on Windows) but I still needed to compile code with Linux.

You can share parts of your C drive between the Colinux and Windows as well as a Samba share.
Reply:Use a windows emulator like Wine.

I get loads of games working using it.
Reply:your worries are over... as of now, there are a groupd of game developers who focuses their effort on linux platforms so stay tuned to that..

but with regard to your problem, why don you try dual-booting

1 for windows

1 for linux


you can use emulators like wine, transgaming cedega, and crossover linux.

however it does consume a lot of memory, but plays ok. i tried crossover linux and it works just fine with me.
Reply:Vista needs 4 gig's of Ram to run at a speed comparible to XP on one Gig of Ram. Linux is improving, it still lacks WI FI drivers in the Kernel. Vista has an outragous four tier pricing scheme. It is far cheaper to convert to Linux than to upgrade the hardware and aquire a Vista licensce.This appears to be a good time for Linux to come from behind and Vista to flame out. Linux has ninety percent of the server market.

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