Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm trying to switch between my windows os and linux os?

1)i have both windows and linux

2)but can't switch back to windows when i loaded linux

3)I have windows vista on my c:/ drive and linux on another

4)but my linux "grub" is only finding the linux kernel

5)how do i configure it to find vista

I'm trying to switch between my windows os and linux os?
how have you partitioned the disks? I need more information. Which version of linux are you using?
Reply:Try adding this in your /boot/grub/grub.cfg:-

menuentry "winduhs" {

set root=(hd0,1)

chainloader +1




You may need a different numbering system to refer to your hard disk than (hd0,1). Depends on your hardware set up. The above will work mostly.

The syntax will vary if what you have is a /boot/grub/menu.lst file that is, you have version 0.x of grub. Please refer to grub manual for the exact syntax.
Reply:Go into Linux and do this:

* open a terminal program (such as GNOME Terminal, XTerm, Konsole)

* switch to root (on Ubuntu-based Linux, you don't need to do this) by issuing "su" command and typing the root password

* edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst using your favourite editor:

nano /boot/grub/menu.lst

vim /boot/grub/menu.lst

gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst


kate /boot/grub/menu.lst

(for Ubuntu-based distros just type "sudo" before above commands, and type your *user* password when asked for one: "sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst")

If you can't find the file, or the file appears to be empty (it is never empty if your grub works), try locating it in /boot.

* At the end of the file, add follwing lines:


title Windows

rootnoverify (hd0,0) # "0,0" is the primary master, 0,1 is primary slave, etc, etc. The location where your Windows resides


chainloader +1

If this doesn't work (I have never seen a Vista), then you might want to try your luck at:

Reply:First, Linux is a name, the L is uppercase.

Here are some good sites to help you in learning about Linux.

The Linux Documentation Project


A ton of info on all aspects of Linux

Linux Format


The best Linux magazine in the world

Distro Watch


Info on every distro, with links to the home page of each
Reply:Edit: To the guy above: There are two hd's not one partitioned hd.

Oh, God.... I hate duel boots w/ Linux and Windoze.

A c:/ drive is named that by windows.

Linux calls it hda1 or hda2. Just so you know.


1. check if your hd's are setup nice and proper. (It happens to the best of us.)

2. Check if your hard drives are configured to duel boot. There are master and slave drives, and the little clips on the back change that. Don't worry it'll have a guide.

3. make sure you setup Grub right. aka you followed the instructions very carefully.

4. Nothing? Call Geico, they can do anything.....

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