Friday, July 31, 2009

Changing from Windows XP Home to Linux?

I have a Linux installation CD.

Should I format the "C" disc before inserting the

CD ?

I dont want Windows anymore.

If I format before installing Linux will my CD

driver still work ?

Changing from Windows XP Home to Linux?
You don't have to format the drive before inserting the CD. Insert the CD and restart the computer. This should start the installation process. One of the steps in installation will ask if you want to format your drive, and you can say yes.
Reply:i found this as i might do the same .

hope this helps least try before you switch fully
Reply:If it's a full installation disk, just use it as in any other install process - you'll be asked whether you want to format during the process.

I guess you're wanting to know if your CD drive will still work after Linux is installed. I don't know. Before you do anything, why not go on-line to Belarc Adviser for a run-down of your present set-up and find out your drive's manufacturer, then contact them to check whether you need a different driver.

I've seen some that carry on regardless and some that flatly refuse to work, but I can't remember which, sorry.

Good Luck!
Reply:If you're sure you don't want XP, you can format it before inserting the Linux CD...or during installation of Linux, it doesn't matter. Make sure the CD is bootable. (Shutdown the system. Insert CD and power it on. If Linux installation doesn't start, either the CD is not bootable or BIOS is not configured to boot from CD. If BIOS is configured to boot from CD but linux installation doesn't start, the CD is not bootable.)
Reply:Don't worry... Linux will do everything for you..Just follow the prompts...
Reply:Generally your CD drive should be plug and play, and work with linux without a problem, however you can try testing whether it will work or not by downloading linux live- a version that will run completely off the disk and bypass windows temporarily. this will let you use linux without uninstalling windows just so you can test whether or not it works. you can find a Live CD version of linux very easily by searching for it on google.

this is the one that i used:

and when it comes to reformatting your hard drive- if ur sure there are no files on it you want still, u can reformat any time; before or after, it doesnt really matter but if you do it before you can ensure your hard drive has no remains of windows left over

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