Thursday, July 30, 2009

Help me ........LINUX QUESTION?

i formated my hard drive in to four c,d,e,f partitions of NTFS file system and I installed windows in 'c' drive and installed 'Ubuntu linux' in d drive. After intallation of linux in ext2 file system, I successfully logged on to linux but it did not detect the remaining partitions of NTFS file system which i should access the data in it.

Help me ........LINUX QUESTION?
Which version of Linux did you install? They don't all have NTFS capabilities on the initial install. Take a look at and see if anything there applies to your install or helps you out.
Reply:I assume you did a standard install. I have installed Ubuntu on several machines with NTFS partitions and it has always mounted and shown all of the partitions. I am currently using my Vista partition, but will check later in Ubuntu and maybe add to this posting. You can get lots of information at the Ubuntu support forum. Check it out - click on help and pick from the menu.
Reply:you need to modify your fstab file so that you can mount windows partitions.

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