Friday, July 31, 2009

Linux partition errors?(linux users plz help)?

I have 80GB hard disk %26amp; I parted it in to C,D %26amp; E.And C,D has Windows XP.I need to install Linux red hat 9.0 to E.But when I continue installation it says,"You have not defined a root partition /, which is required for installation of Red Hat Linux to continue.

(I 'm new to Linux)

Linux partition errors?(linux users plz help)?
First you must remove all unused partitions to use Linux. It uses different file formats to Windows, these are based on the ext2 Unix file system. Most installers offer to do this for you, and you can then delete the other partitions. This partition needs to be deleted and then you will need to create at least one swap type partition and a / (root) partition. You will find an 80 GB drive is not really big enough to split this way, XP really needs about 80 GB on it's system drive to remain useful for long, and I don't know what you have left on the third partition, but Linux could also do with 80GB. You would be better to have all your XP on one 80 GB drive and install a second for Linux.
Reply:for the first step.. use partition manager in winxp to create free space and create linux partition.. then install linux..

usual linux partitions are "root, swap, home"

linux will be install in root partition and swap use for virtual memory

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