Friday, July 31, 2009

What is kernal image in linux..??

i want 2 learn linux. from where should i start..??i know only C programming language and nothing else.??

What is kernal image in linux..??
learn the basic commands first so you get familiar with it.......and the get a book so you can learn like the O.S itself,.....
Reply:Kernel is a software which manages the computers and creates an environment for you run your applications like word processor, Internet browsing etc.

Since, it has to create an environment for you to do useful work with computer, kernel is loaded in to the memory first and Processor executes it. It does CPU scheduling, does memory management, manages "computer files" etc.

Without this kernel it would be almost impossible for manage

hardware and other abstract entities to do useful works with


In a simple terms .. its like a complete "Event manager"

Yes.. in my opinion, the best thing to lean Linux/Unix is to

start with command prompt, followed by simple shell programming etc. As you know C , it would be an added advantage.

There are lots of materials in Web and make use of it to learn command prompt.

A very good old book by "Rebeca Thomas and Jean Yates" and titled "Unix Operating System" would be useful also.


Reply:Every system consiss of mainly two things kernel and some base utilities.

Kernel is the most complicated and critical part of an operating system that recognizes hardware shares hardware between tasks,schedules task etc.Its like a layer between applications and hardware.Applications cannot run directly on hardwares they are not made for this they run on kernel,the more efficient the kernel the more efficiently the application expected to run.

The base utilities like shell or command line in linux provide a way to control the hardware,to edit scheduling etc.without these utilities perhaps the kernel is of no use.

Regarding learning Linux there is huge source of information in internet ( anything as you choice and try to master that. C is the base of linux which you know, the thing you have to master is the command line in Linux.

Good Luck.


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