Friday, July 31, 2009

Where can i get linux for beginners?

i am looking for a site were i can download linux for free

i have a formatted p.c ready to use as soon as i can find a linux op\system to install on it

does anyone know where i can find a free linux download?

Where can i get linux for beginners?
You will find a lot of information at , also as mentioned, is somewhere to download from (it may not be up-to-date though). It's best to download from the homepage of the distro you choose. Also a magazine called Linux Format (available at WHSmiths) is a monthly magazine published in the UK, which has a DVD/CD each month with a Linux distro on it.
Reply:Try I also suggest picking up a book from the book store to get the basics down first.
Reply:I think SLAX is a good Linux OS for beginners. It's freely available at .

Moreover you can run it from a CD and don't have to partition/install the operating system on the PC. So you can have your existing OS (Say Windows XP) on your PC and whenever you need to use linux just put your SLAX (Linux OS) CD and reboot the machine.

PS: Just make sure that Boot sequence is set in the following order - CD, Floppy and then Hard Drive.

Hope this helps!

Go there and choose your disto
Reply:Linux consists of many distributions or "flavours" that all rely on the linux kernel. A very good distro is Fedora Core 5, very user-friendly.
Reply:you could try here:

also computer mags often give away linux on the free CDs %26amp; DVDs.
Reply:linux for beginners is an oxymoron. Do you have a linuxhead friend? Find one. Other than that, all the other suggestions seem fine to me. We use Mandrake linux, it's fine, but we don't use the graphical stuff so I can't say what that's like.

I went on a training course with this guy:

He's got a pony tail and everything. He has a useful library and blog. Have fun!

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