Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Which linux version?

i want to know which linux version to choose i am learning C programing and linux OS are the best, any programmers out who can direct me in the right direction would be much appreciated

dell inspiron 1520

xp pro SP2

intel core duo


160 G hard drive


Which linux version?
any ubuntu based distro is perfect for a begginer
Reply:Stick with one of Debian or Fedora. I use Debian. It has every software package that I need as a programmer. There is Synaptic to handle dependencies like a breeze. So, you just say you need to install gcc for instance and Synaptic will install all othe required packages to satisfy the dependency.

I haven't used Fedora in three years. I hear good remarks about it these days. So I think it might be worth a try.
Reply:ubuntu is good as is xandros
Reply:It is impossible for anyone to choose which Linux is right for you, only you can make that decision.

Fortunately, that is easy to do, because many popular "Distros" come as a LIVE CD which means you can try them without having to install them on your hard drive.

For new Windows to Linux Switchers, I recommend:

1. Linux Mint

2. Ubuntu

3. Kubuntu

All three offer: ease of use, excellent hardware support and simplified package installation. There's tons of online tech support, too.

Try them and re-post if you need help to install one (by Name) as a dual-boot system. Have Fun!!!
Reply:Why do you say Linux is the best?

If you want Linux, get one of the Ubuntu clones, like GEUbuntu.

Linux requires a learning curve.

If you just want to learn C, stay with windows, and get Visual Studio Express, IT'S FREE! Also, buy a how-to book that includes free software.
Reply:i would try a few here isnt a "Best" linux it depends on what you like.

try SUSE

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