Thursday, July 30, 2009

Help no linux boot menu!?

hello! i'm install linux in the dos (my pc have the windows xp )my xp is in hda1(c:/)and i'm install linux in the hda7(/ if in windows to see it's after the e: )when installed ,reboot .there is'not the bootmenu for linux ,just into xp,,what will i sculd do ,how to get linux boot ,i 'm not the linux cd ,i was download the linux cd ,thank you !

Help no linux boot menu!?
You didn't give us much information to work with.

When you install Linux to a computer that has Windoze already installed, it will usually ask you if you want to dual boot. If you answer yes, it will install information in the MBR of your hard disk so it comes up with a menu. Since you didn't mention which distro you chose to install and how you installed it, I can't give you much more infor than that.

You can always reinstall Linux and make sure you tell it that you want to 'dual boot'.

If the Linux distro that you're using doesn't ask that question (I haven't seen one lately), then you will have to build your MBR by hand. Google to find your requirements.

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