Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dual booting (LILO/GRUB) Linux and windows question?


I had windows xp and linux installed with GRUB as boot loeader.

But then i reformatted my Windows (installed vista) on c: drive (D: data and linux partitions intact) .

Now i dont see GRUB, directly windows is loading. How can i install GRUB or LILO or anything which helps me boot into linux as well ?

Dual booting (LILO/GRUB) Linux and windows question?
hi, this seems to be a common problem, while installing linux for first time, u might have installed grub on /dev/hd0, which in normal cases is ur c drive. so when u formatted ur c drive, the grub installation was lost. another case which used to happen with windows xp is when u used to intall lilo on mbr, as xp writes up mbr again, u tend to lose ur lilo. so the best bet is to install linux on the linux partiiton, in this way u dont lose ur linux boot screen, even if u tend to format c drive
Reply:There are instructions on how to restore grub after Windoze restores its boot loader. Try looking up "restore grub" in google. It is faster than reinstalling / upgrading.
Reply:u'll have to use wingrub I don't know where to get it but try searching for it and how to use it with vista
Reply:try"upgrading". get your linux cd, and upgrade. this will keep your linux files intact and reinstall grub.


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