Thursday, July 30, 2009

Linux ubuntu questions?

does installing linux ubuntu on your system erase your current operating system and replace it or is it installed along side your current operating system ? in other words can you choose which operating system to run at start up ? also would you recommend first getting familiar with linux ubuntu from the live c.d. first before doing a full install ? thanks !!!

Linux ubuntu questions?
First of all, I LOVE Ubuntu!

I have like ALL their versions. The best way to get it is probably from mail because you have the actual CD and they give you 4 free stickers.

DO NOT yet download/install Ubuntu without a backup plan. ALWAYS save and backup your important files.

Full CD is better than Live CD, and I don't recommend it if you are unknown to Linux and you do not know what to do in an emergancy.
Reply:if you want multipule OS, you have to partition your hard drive, and install it on a seperate partition. Then when your computer starts, you will have an option of which to start up. and yes, use a live CD to see if you like it..there are alot of linux distro's, even alot of different versions of ubuntu, see what one fits you best. (aero is best looking)
Reply:I would recommend you download the Live CD of Ubuntu, burn the .iso as a bootable CD, and give it a try!

When you go to install Ubuntu it will scan your hard drives and see the Windows installations and ask you if you want to keep it or use all the disk space. The Ubuntu installer will also make suggestions as to how to resize your partitions. You would be safe to just go with the default options. The installer is quite easy to use and understand. After installing you will be able to access all the software in the repositories. There you will find practically anything you could want.

Although the Ubuntu installer works very well sometimes something can go wrong so be sure to make a backup of any data which is important to you.

You will find the Linux community very eager to help you get started with Ubuntu.


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