Friday, July 31, 2009

Linux Ubuntu help...?

Hi, im new to Ubuntu and a linux noob anyways lol.

I need to get mod_limitipconn.c installed but it asks for a path

to apxs, i have apache 2, and it seems apxs2 isnt anywhere.

I did a search and apparently i need 'apache2-threaded-dev', tho

i went to download it and didnt know which 'Architecture' i needed.

Is there a way i can install mod_limitipconn.c without apxs or can anyone

shed more light on apache2-threaded-dev.

all help is appreciated.

Linux Ubuntu help...?

From debian packaging, which you should be able to find the same stuff using the ubuntu package manager as well.

What are you trying to do here?? Helps to have the back story when you are asking a Linux question, because sometimes people can point you to a better alternative.
Reply:Try posting to the yahoo group LINUX Newbies. All around a great little group.

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