Friday, July 31, 2009

Is linux, in general, unstable?

I had an argument with my friend. He said that linux is unstable, where my pc can explode anytime due to unstability or something like that. He saids that it is what developers use to create apps with C++ (which I know is correct). I have linux ubuntu and I think it isn't unstable. Who is relatively right. I see millions of people having ubuntu so it can't be that unstable even though its open source. Am I correct?

Is linux, in general, unstable?
huh! what a joke !

linux is not unstable.

your pc is not compatible with linux ;) thats why it crash ;)

go to

and read the HCL page and see what hardwares are compatible with linux.
Reply:Not generally. Most distributions that are marked "stable" releases will work on most PCs without any issues.
Reply:Linux is a remarkable stable operating system.
Reply:Any Operation System can be made to become unstable. Linux is inheriently more STABLE than Windows, however if you misconfigure something Linux can become a little loopy. Therefore it is better suited for someone that can deal with computers at a lower, more OS level aspect of computers.
Reply:Linux is so stable that it is used in most internet servers that have to be very reliable. Sorry, but your friend is wrong!!
Reply:Your friend is full of crap.

I've had a system up for 5 YEARS without a single reboot.

A bit extreme of an example, but, a very true example.

I don't particularly like Ubuntu...but if you try any "normal" flavor...Red Hat, Fedora, Debian, etc., you are working with systems that have set the standard.

When I hear these morons, I usually trace it back to their inability to operate the system in the first place.

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