Friday, July 31, 2009

Can i run windows xp and linux?

Is there a way to install Linux on one hard drive then keep my xp o n my primary one basically can i install Linux on my (f drive then keep windows xp on my c drive and unplug my c drive and then plug in my f drive for Linux and if i want windows XP just unplug my (f drive and plug in my c drive or will it mess up my mother board? MAKE SENSE LOL?

Can i run windows xp and linux?
It will not mess up your motherboard. However, even if you are installing the two OSes on separate drives, the bootloader for both systems needs to live on your primary drive.

The best way to go about this is to install Windows first, then install a Linux distribution that has a decent install program (such as Ubuntu or PCLinuxOS) that allows you to specify which drive the Linux partitions will be created on. The installer will set up the GRUB or LILO bootloader on your primary drive, allowing you to dual-boot, but if you choose the secondary drive as the installation target, all the other Linux files will reside on that drive.

The reason you need to install Windows first, is that the Windows installer will blithely wipe away the boot sector of any previously installed OS without asking.
Reply:The alpha-geek way: Partition hard drive, install Linux, use GRUB for booting.

The n00b way: Wubi. can run more than one operating system on a computer. You can install a boot program called LILO, which will allow you to select which operating system to boot at start-up. I would suggest using separate partitions, or place linux on a slave drive. Because windows XP can get cranky if you share file space. No need to unplug anything!

If you want to get a taste of linux try downloading the ISO (CDROM disk image) of Knoppix Linux, then burn it to a cdrom. It runs from a CDROM, and doesn't require any disk space. However, you must be able to change your bios setting to boot the CDROM first, to run Knoppix.

I would not suggest unplugging drive cables to switch operating systems, one bent pin, and your messed up.
Reply:I don't quite follow you plugging and unplugging. My desktop has XP on one drive and Linux on the other, because I specifically had two drives put in for that purpose. My laptop has several Windoze-related partitions and several Linux related partitions. Both machines work fine. What is with the plug and unplug? Just set up grub (the boot loader) properly and choose what you want at startup / reboot. Your "solution" is too much like work!
Reply:Yes, sure can. It is called a dual drive - dual boot. For more info on dual booting, see here
Reply:most linux installs have a program that manages 2 os's

keep both hds pluged in
Reply:No it won't mess up your motherboard and yes it will work just fine.
Reply:As long as you have enough 'free space' available on the HD, (such as an unformatted second drive), that is NOT 'claimed' by your windows system; you can install BOTH without having to change ANY connections.

MOST Linux programs include a 'dual-boot' option that will find the windows OS and set things up to give you a choice at startup.

I have 1 box with win98SE, 5 different Linux, and 1 Unix on a SINGLE 80GB HD. (I STILL have free space available too!!)

NOTE: You can use a program such as 'partition manager' to free up space IF it is all currently claimed by your windows OS. (It can 'shrink' and 're-arrange' drive space to give you the necessary free space if your drive is not to full!)

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