Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Knoppix Linux?

Dear all

I have recently downloaded and installed Knoppix 5.0.1.The problem is that I wanna try Mono project which is meant to run C# application on Linux.Now at Mono website,there are versions of mono available for Red Hat,SUSE and some others but not for Knoppix.I guess one of them will work in Knoppix but I don't know which one.You can have a look at that page at http://www.mono-project.com/Downloads I tried downloading the suse package but it didn't even install.Then I noticed there is a pack labelled 'All Distibutions'.I tried that.Everything went fine.I was also able to install it successfully.But then when I click on MonoDevelop Icon,it says 'Loading Application' for a few seconds and then nothing happens.Pls suggest me what to do.Pls don't suggest Monoppix.I can't download another ISO image.You can

Knoppix Linux?
download this software

Reply:I have a question... which is better:Linux or Win98?

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