Thursday, July 30, 2009

Is there anyone who can help me or let me know where can i learn linux kernal programming?

is there anyone who can help me or let me know where can i learn linux kernal programming. I know c /c++ i mean some preferrably a person or an institution. A institute should be goodone.

Is there anyone who can help me or let me know where can i learn linux kernal programming? is probably where you should start.
Reply:Like hackers do you need to teach yourself
Reply:I wouldn't mess around with the kernal. That's where the functions of the OS is hidden. Mess with that, and you can really lose your PC!

However, since Linux is OpenSource, if you know C, C+, C++, C# family of languages, you could actually go in and change the Linux operating system and recompile it so that when you think you're reading from a file, you're actually erasing your hard drive, if you so desire to make those kinds of changes.

Basically, if I understand correctly, you really want to improve your C programming skills.

Good luck.
Reply:Not a clue, but linux always need software makers. I heared python is really easy to learn if you know c/c++!

You'll do the community a great service'.

One of the best programmers in the country.

He can give you experienced and informed direction.

He's actually written his own virtual cpu processor for linux.


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