Saturday, May 22, 2010

What is the best distrubution of linux?

I have Suse Linux 10.0 i think, i havent used it in a while because i am used to Windows XP, and i have heard that once you get used to linux it is ALOT easier to use than XP, and i would like to be one of those few that uses linux, but i would like to know what is the best distro...

i would like it to be able to play games like america's army

i do some C++, HTML, Javascript, PHP, and a little of basic script (though i dont know if that would run on a linux platform or not) so what do you think it the best distro of linux?

What is the best distrubution of linux?
I personally like the stripped linux distros, due to simplicity. If i'm running linux, it's usually for some sort of server or other daemon and I perfer it to be simple. Therefore I like distros such as Knoppix, DamnSmallLinux and even Debian.

Its really up to you tho. :P
Reply:You can try Ubuntu Linux. They are offering free cds with free shipping. Url is
Reply:There ae a variety of flavors out there that are cool, look them up and check them out!
Reply:Everything other than playing games are true for every distro that labels itself as end-user friendly, for playing Windows games, you will have to find one with easy access to a DirectX emulator called Cedega, used to be called WineX and this software is written by Transgaming.

My machine is an obsolete AMD 2000+; I chose to use XFCE it is really fast.

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