Monday, May 24, 2010

Finding home folder in linux?

I'm trying to download starcraft on my linux and the instructions tell me to run a command involving the home folder.

the command is:

[path to home foler]/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Starcraft/

Where is the home folder? And what do I type in there?

Finding home folder in linux?

I'll show you how I get Filezilla to work in Linux, as an example.

I download the setup.exe file for Filezilla. When I double-click on it, Wine will try to open the file. Then, the installer appears, just as if I were using Windows. Instead of installing Filezilla to [C:\Program Files\Filezilla\]

,I'm going to override the default installation location and install it to [z:\home\username\.wine\drive_c\Program Files\Filezilla].

For some reason, [z:\] is what Wine calls my Ubuntu partition.

Then, I set up a launcher (on the panel or in the menu) for the command [wine "z:\home\username\.wine\drive_c\Program Files\Filezilla\Filezilla.exe"]

That's it. Now when I click on that launcher, Filezilla will load up.

Edit: Here is a Wine Quickstart Guide

Edit2: [path to home foler] = path to downloaded file.

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