Saturday, May 22, 2010

Linux [Ubuntu] Boot Problem?

ok not too long ago i finished the download and burning process of ubuntu for my laptop.

i decided to make the switch from windows to Linux.

i downloaded the iso and burned it to a CD using InfraRecorder

i put the CD in and it botted fine

a Ubuntu loading screen showed up and than the

Start/Install menu came up.

so i press enter to install it.

i get a error message that reads:

/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control tunned off


i typed tty and it said /dev/console

im pretty sure its suppose to be /dev/tty

right? correct me if im wrong.

and if it is suppose to be tty how do i change it.

and i tried typing Break=top at the end of the boot options

at the install screen.

and than typing

modprobe piix


i tried pressing CTRL + C did nothing.

any help would be great thanks.

Linux [Ubuntu] Boot Problem?
I would suggest to ask this question in forum People there would know better how to address this issue.
Reply:I have a hunch... there shouldn't be any problem in the installing period. Especially like this. I think, that the Linux Cd was damaged at the downloading, converting, or burning sequence. I think you should borrow an install cd, witch has been used before, and I'm allmost sure, that there will be no problem
Reply:Sounds like a video card issue, what are the specs of your system? You may need to go with Xubuntu instead.

Any questions pop in my forum:

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