Saturday, May 22, 2010

PHP development IDE for Linux?

One of the downfalls of Linux is there isn't a "Dreamweaver replacement". Quanta sucks and is buggy. Komodo IDE looks good, but it's pricey (Komodo Edit is a nice editor, but doesn't have the project management features I want.) I can't get Aptana/Eclipse to work on my AMD64 Ubuntu machine.

What I've kinda been envisioning is a combination project based on gPHPedit and gFTP. gPHPedit is a nice php editor, but there are no ftp options, and I don't mean just being able to open a file on an FTP site. If you've ever used Dreamweaver, you know how the project manager/local/remote files part works. That is what I want added to gPHPedit.

Where would I get started if I wanted to do something like this? gPHPedit and gFTP are both C/GTK+ so that should be ideal, the source from one should be fairly reusable with the other. I have done quite a bit of C/C++ programming, but it was a few years ago (mostly doing web based PHP now). GTK+ is new to me.

PHP development IDE for Linux?
Give Bluefish a try, "sudo apt-get install bluefish"

I'm quite sure it does FTP projects.
Reply:Try Mozilla SeaMonkey or Nvu.

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