Saturday, May 22, 2010

How can i use windows files on linux o/s.?

i want to do all my task on linux o/s like playing movies,writing contents using ms office.can i install ms office,, java ,c++ and many more which i use on windows.i also want to install photoshop on my linux o/s . but how , i dont know .plz help some body .actually i want to be familiar with linux o/s like window and want to do all my work on linux.

How can i use windows files on linux o/s.?
Use corssoveroffice on linux to run windows programs on linux. However, I recommend using the equivalent programms in linux office==openoffice, photoshop==gimp, etc...
Reply:MS Office is only for windows or mac. But there is an alternative that is almost the same (better, in my opinion) called openoffice, and it's free. Photoshop isn't for linux, but there is the free alternative called Gimp.

I used to be a windows fan, now I only use linux. There is no need to pay for the software you are asking about, as there are alternatives that exist for linux that you don't need to pay for.

As I converted from windows to linux a bit over a year ago, and tried various types, I would recommend Ubuntu Linux. If you need much help, they have a forum for asking about problems with their system.

Oh, and it's all free.
Reply:install Wine on your Linux machine, another alternative is to install VMWare for Linux (but you still have to install Windows as a guest OS and also install all the software you use on the guest OS)
Reply:see if you just wish to acces the data then you can achive that using mount command.

if you don't know how to use it you will be able to work out using man mount

also as far as java , c++, c is concerened they are available in linux too.

Now remains ms office we have open office here,

for .net frame work leagle way is to sue wine and illigal way includes using vmware (full virtualization ) or crossoverofficel partial customization.

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