Monday, May 24, 2010


In my college days I have written programs which has "lex.yy.c" in it.

Now i want that language again to do some programming

what was that?

how can i get that compiler again?

is there a site to download that?

will that compiler run in windows?

do i have to install linux for this?

I googled to get :

Sounds very familiar.

P.S: I studied this on 6th sem of my engineering.

Computer science engineering Cochin University, Kerala.


Yes, this is Lex and it is Wonderful, but in the beginning a little bit difficult.

Lex is a Lexical Analyzer, you can use it in several way, one that should be most used, is to convert a sequence of characters in your C source code into a sequence of tokens.

In this way you can, for example, crate your custom Makefile that compile on different platform and different operating systems.

To use it you need to read and read and read and try it.

This you can use on Windows, but I advice you to follow the links inside the wiki that you posted to understand clearly what are Lexical Analizer and how to use them


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