Monday, May 24, 2010

Can i copy a windows drive to another hard drive in linux?

my C drive is making obnoxious noises and my computer has been running like crap lately, so i'm suspecting the drive is near death. i have on it 2 boot partitions, one xp and the other ubuntu.

is it possible to create a partition on another drive, and copy the windows partition over to it so i can boot from there? would i be able to do it with linux so none of the windows files would be in use?

Can i copy a windows drive to another hard drive in linux?
If you want a bootable Windows installation, the partition to which you copy your current Windows install has to a be primary partition, and whatever you're using as a boot loader has to know about it, and be able to transfer control to that partition (hook BIOS int13 for that partition). dd copy can do the partition copy. Here's a dual boot primer for Debian Sarge and grub:
Reply:Not a possibility.! you need to understand that file systems for a windows machine and that of a Linux machine are very different.. so inherently files you copy in lunix are rendered useless in a WIN FS and vice versa. What i would suggest is that you get an external HDD and move your windows partition there. Then for the previous partition the same and perform the same for linux if you really want to continue with this hard drive. Take my advise, dump this drive and buy a new one.

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