Monday, May 24, 2010

Build a hierarchical tree, without using DOM,schema, and sax using expat parser and c?

I've been experimenting with the jclark's expat parser. I compiled it on linux, and it works just great. However, finding tags and data by implementing the callback functions in c language is cumbersome. Has anybody written code that uses the expat callback's in such a way as to build a hierarchical tree, without using DOM,schema, and sax, that can be traversed.My purpose, just enough to traverse branches and find leafs of a xml documents without using DOM, schema, and sax, and i also want help regarding how to convert a xml document to a hierachical tree which contains tags values. thanks

Build a hierarchical tree, without using DOM,schema, and sax using expat parser and c?
but what you're describing more or less is the same like a DOM, right? a hierarchical tree of xml data.

have a look at the link below, it's the Simple C Expat Wrapper which builds a DOM-like structure, maybe it can help you.

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