Sunday, August 2, 2009

Which Linux OS is the best for servers ?

i want to know that which linux should i install in my server to host a website. And which linux do the big guys like youtube use ? Ubuntu,e.t.c

Which Linux OS is the best for servers ?
CentOS is the best distro for servers. It is the community version of Redhat Enterprise. It comes comes with apache httpd installed and getting a LAMP server up and running only takes a few minutes. Please never use Ubuntu.
Reply:Ubuntu Liuux
Reply:Most user friendly is probably Ubuntu for home users.

But for servers I am most definitely going to say Red Hat and SUSE.
Reply:Try Ubuntu 6.06 for server if your server just serve simple task such as PHP, MySQL...

But if your server have to do more complex tasks and require more security, Fedora Core and Redhat is your right choice.

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