Sunday, August 2, 2009

Need help emailing a file using Linux?

O.k. so i just started a C programming class and our teacher wants us to use Linux and the system emacs to write the program. I have written the program in emacs and saved it. I have loged into my school's linux account using linux. I created a directory I have compiled my program as well as run it. He wanted us to create a gzipped tar archive of the assignment and I did so using the following command:

$ tar cbfz lastname-hw0.tar.gz lastname-hw0/

Now all he says in the instructions is email me this file... my question is. How do I email his this file!

Need help emailing a file using Linux?
you could use mutt from the command line if it is installed. type this at the command line (changing the parameters where necessary):

echo "here is the file you wanted etc." | mutt -s "Subject of email" -a lastname-hw0.tar.gz

type "man mutt" at the command line for more info
Reply:You need to use mutt if it is available. If not my suggestion is you make a dual boot system out of your computer and just use mozilla firefox or something.
Reply:try running the 'pine' command, if it's installed you can send it that way.
Reply:If you have a web based email account (e.g. yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc), the easiest way is to just fire up your web browser and mail it that way.

Otherwise there are dozens of email clients for linux available for free. Depending on your llinux distribution, check what is available for easy download from their repositories.

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