Sunday, August 2, 2009

Linux users?

i dnt no how to phrase this but window xp users have the leter C as there hard drive symbol is it diffrent for a linux

Linux users?
normaly the part of the drive where all data is stored is labled /dev/hda2 this is the main partition

/dev/hda1 should be your swa partition
Reply:Yes for the most part the correlation is "/" = "C:\" That is the root node so with linux you will have


windows will be like

C:\Program Files\Mozilla\Firefox.exe

both should start the Firefox browser on their respective systems.

usually the hard drive can be accessed from the device directory /dev/hda.

Reply:Yes, the whole drive letter thing is a DOS/Windows thing.
Reply:In Linux, it's "hda" for the first hard drive. "hdb" for the second. "hdc" for the third... hda1 would be the first partition of the first hard drive.
Reply:Yes. Letter assigning to drive is proper to Microsoft only. In Linux, it will be called "hda", "hdb" etc..

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