Sunday, August 2, 2009

What programming language is used by Linux?

I was looking through the documentation for the two new SDK's android and Iphone. They seem to both be based in some form of C. My friend said they were both based off of the Linux software. Is this true? If it is it seems like C is going to be the dominant language of the future, no?

What programming language is used by Linux?
In the heart of Linux, it is based on C. There are libraries of code that make the Windows, buttons and so forth and those libraries are C++ or C. In between those worlds are libraries of wrappers. A program made with C++ might command a library of C code.

Software, like a game or word processor you run on a Linux box can be java, C++, C, OpenGL, and the list goes on. There may also be short, utility scripts written in PERL or Python, besides the Shell Script, which you can think of as sorta like MS-DOS, but more powerful. For example, Linux shell commands can read the whole hard disc looking for one word.
Reply:I think android is actually "kind of" Java based... more specifically running a Dalvik VM. But yes, a lot of the components are based off linux software like the window manager and what not. Google decided to (or eventually will) open source android, that's why the linux community is embracing it so much.

As for C being the dominant language of the future I for one don't believe that ONE specific language will dominate every other. Different languages are good for different things and different levels of programming.
Reply:Sorry sir, i have no experience for that. But i suggest, you can search in

I hope you find that from this site.


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