Sunday, August 2, 2009

Linux with Windows...?

The hard drive of my computer is logically partitioned into two: 18.6Gb each. I had Windows XP and Windows 98 installed on C: and D: respectively until recently when I formatted the D: from the dos prompt in Windows XP. Now the C: (WinXP) is having NTFS and D: has been formatted with FAT.

I want to try out linux. I have no idea how it can be installed. Can I install any form of linux on my computer with the specifications mentioned above or some specific ones.

Please explain in detail. I am new to these type of things.

Linux with Windows...?
go to download the desktop installer ISO file... burn it to a CD and run it from the CD... it will allow you to test drive linux without installing any software, just running from the CD... this will give you an idea of whether you want to procede further
Reply:if you try fedora it will properly format the partitions. Linux doesn't use FAT and uses 3 .partitions,
Reply:Linux needs to be installed on ext3

morning glory

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