Sunday, August 2, 2009

Booting Linux Help - openSUSE 10.2 - I have to put my cd in and boot HELP!!?

I just finished installing Linux SUSE 10.2 and when i restart my computer i get ''No Operating System''

i know it is something to do with the boot loader or something i think it is installed to something like hd2 but i dont really understand the concept on that and really really need to fix it coz it is boxing my head lol and i need drivers for my graphics card which i know where to find but dont know how to install on linux

if uz need anymore info on my computer email me @ but ill probly be here anyway waiting for answers lol

My motherboard is made by PCCHIPS (M825G v9.2 a 'or' c) %26gt;%26gt; website for that is (

Installed on erased hard drive.. Which was recently used with windows xp on a maxtor 40 GB (had no partitions on it when i was finished) but did say quote ''39205mb'' what happened to the remaining 695mb??

Chipset is AMD Athlon xp 2200+ (1.8Ghz)

ATI Radeon9250 Graphix

10 points to anyone who can make my pc boot linux on start up

Booting Linux Help - openSUSE 10.2 - I have to put my cd in and boot HELP!!?
I've never done an internet install, but check and see if your mini iso will function as a 'rescue cd'. I know on the full CD/DVD version you can choose that option when it boots from the CD. If you run that utility from CD/DVD it should repair whatever damage was done to your MBR (Master Boot Record). If your mini iso does not have this function, try downloading the first CD/DVD and boot from that. If you still aren't having any luck, try asking around at the SUSE forums. (

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