Sunday, August 2, 2009

Which linux is best for development, research and students?

we have to do many project from simple fork() call or a helloworld program in c to........................ kernel source code editing and compiling.......

out ov many many linux os (Red HAT, Fedora, Ubuntu, CENTOS, Damnsmall) and many many versions of each of them .........................which is better for all these kind ov activities ....

more over students also want surfing , easy networking , and may b graphics and web development...............

how it can be done as easy as we use to do it in windows xp with photoshop, + dreamweaver and ............file+printer sharing

Which linux is best for development, research and students?
For linux newbie, choose one that most of your friends use. So you can ask them later.
Reply:I d go with Ubuntu..

I have tried different kinds of Linux and found out that Fedora 's core is more developed, i'd say for Servers.. while the best desktop version of linux is Ubuntu with more apps and features similar to windows and its way easy to use.. The KUBUNTU version is the best desktop version.

Damnsmall linux like its name is too damn small and is developed mainly for thumbdrives version.. graphics and web development may not go so well with it, as the application might be bigger than the OS itself.

Keep in mind that CENTOS, FEDORA , MANDRIVA.. e.t.c are all clones of red hat.. therefore their kernels are all the same..

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