Sunday, August 2, 2009

Linux Programming?

Hello. I am trying to make Linux programs with GUI's not in a console in C++. I was wondering whether n e one new a tutorial or good book I could get on this subject?

- Cheers, Daniel

Linux Programming?
Here is a GTK tutorial. There are some other Linux GUI toolkits such as QT or wxWindows, you might want to look at tutorials for them, too.
Reply:HAHA, trust me programming in Linux is incredibly difficult and you won't find tutorials that will help you too much.
Reply:Go to it there are several tutoials on the web. Once you learn how to write for Linux you'll be able to stop be a slave to Bill the Barbaric! It took me about three weeks to get the general ideas down but then it came very fast. I'm sure it will for you too.


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