Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another linux question guys!?

hi dudes

what im looking for is a linux distro with these specifications

a)less than 800mb

b)must have a 3d desktop,rotating desktop,loads of eye candy!

c)MUST be a live cd/dvd but able to install if needed

d)must be able to do the 3d stuff without having to install linux display drivers(as its live and you cant install drivers on a live version....can you?)

ive seen loads of you-tube videos of these amazing desktop visuals that knock vista into another dimension,but until now i havent used one

finally,,would you guys ever sacrifice your windows xp os for a linux os if it was good enough,bare in mind i have another p.c(my wifes)in the house with windows xp on it

any advice will be hugely appreciated

cheers guys!

Another linux question guys!?
You could buy a copy of Micro Mart computer magazine, it's only £1.99 and you will find adverts in the classified at the back from a guy called Linuxman. I have used him and he is dead reliable. He supplies CD's oof most Linux distro's including Ubuntu. Many ar what is known as live CDs, you boot with the Cd in your drive and Linux runs from the CD. It is obviously slower but it does not install anything to your Hard Drive. Thi way you can try out various versions without affecting your Windows install. You could e-mail him and give him the details of what you want I'm sure he would help you.
Reply:I am sure that you can do it with Ubuntu.

You can get it from
Reply:It may be beyond what you want, try getting a live CD of vista with no drivers on less than 800mb with all the eye candy, you'd be lucky to run DOS.

Ubuntu is the most likely candidate for what you want but you would need to download the software to get a 3D desktop and install it. If you are running either ATI or Nvidial graphics cards you won't have any other choice that install the drivers for them.

I personally don't run anything other than Linux, Opensuse 10.2. I'll set you a challenge connect an XP OS to the internet, remove your antivirus, never defrag, never install any software that requires a reboot then call me in 2 hours when the system breaks.

If you're serious about Linux try Opensuse 10.2 you can download it at:

The actual base install is less than 800mb the rest is taken up with programmes etc. Email me if you want any more info or help.
Reply:I think Ubuntu is the right distro you need. But I recommend Ubuntu CE, it is more beautiful than the original Ubuntu. View the screenshot here:
Reply:definatley opensuse or ubuntu/kubuntu.

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