Saturday, May 22, 2010

New-be to Linux don't understand how to mount hard drives?

hello folks. i've just down loaded a vertion of linux called Foresight which i managed to install. i don't really know what i'm doing but love some of the toys anyway my problems is. how do i go about mounting a hard drive i have two hard drives. as far as i can see hda is my windows drive which has 3 partions :- c=win me, d=win xp(ntfs), e=just my stuff(fat32 use this partion to save and share things with me and xp). my linux drive is hdb all i would like to do is to be able to use my win e(my stuff) in linux. any help would be very helpfull. thanks

New-be to Linux don't understand how to mount hard drives?
All you have to do is open up a shell and login as root (usually execute "su" and type in the root password. Then type in

"mount dev/hda2 mnt/stuff" and you are golden. You should replace hda2 with your "My stuff" partition, but I think that should be right. Also, you can put any name you like for the mount name, but avoid spaces.

After that, just go to mnt and open your drive.
Reply:Try UBUNTU instead. You can download it, or order a CD, at .

There an excellent starter guide in WIKI
Reply:Monkey, I've just seen your mate Johnny Vegas in the TV show "Benidorm" Get back to sipping tea!
Reply:All your windows drives should be mounted automatically on boot up, if not you can su root %26amp; mount. If you are new to Linux you may be better off with Ubuntu or Suse 10.2 (which should automount and show the drives up on the desktop under the "computer" icon.
Reply:When you say, "mount " your hard drive .....

I hope you don't mean what I THINK you mean....?
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