Saturday, May 22, 2010

Installing a Linux OS on Dual Boot?

A year or two ago, I installed Windows XP SP2 onto my comp. My comp was originally booting from C, but I downloaded and installed from D. It set up another OS choice when it boots, and now I have 2 choices when I start (before SP2, after). The before version's mouse never works. SO now I want to install a Linux in its place. Can I do it from my D version (after, the one w/ mouse working)? I think that if I download the OS to my C drive, and I install it to there too, it should work, but I want to make sure. I don't want to lose all my info.

Installing a Linux OS on Dual Boot?
you have not said which linux u want to install...

doing a dual boot system is not as easy has you may think..

you will find the answers on cool solutions this is for Suse Linux,,, other linux I don't know about I have just got a book on redhat linux but I have not read it yet

when you do a dual boot system it alters the master boot record. (MBR) so you will need to read up on that first before you go installing linux

Try Suse Linux that is the best for support


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