Sunday, August 2, 2009

Search Linux?


Can someone post the exact command to search particular file in whole linux file system same as i used to do in dos

c:\dir *myname*.* /p/s

This will search every file in all c drive containing myname whethere it is any directory. The command equivalent to this command.

Search Linux?
ls %26lt;your filename%26gt;

ls -als %26lt;yourfilename%26gt; to display more details regarding the file
Reply:Command is: find / -name '*myname*'

Let's disect this:

find - the actual command

/ - which directory to search, in this case the entire filesystem

-name - search by name

'*myname*' - file pattern to search for.

Find is a very versatile tool, for example, if you wish to list only directories matching your pattern, you would use:

find / -name '*myname*' -type d

or a file

find / -name '*myname*' -type f

If you want to limit the depth of directory search

find / -name '*myname*' -maxdepth 2

or if you wish to perform an action on every match found:

find / -name '*myname*' -exec ls -l {} ';'
Reply:find / -name '*myname*'
Reply:to search a file

locate filenametosearch


find /dir/where/to/search -name filenametosearch

to list a directory

ls --color |more


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