Sunday, August 2, 2009

Linux samba problems?

linux machine connectivity problem with windows

I am beginner in Linux ..... configured Samba setting.

Now I am able to see and login linux machine from windows machine... but when I try to open a share folder... it throw error that you don't have permissions...

In samba log file this message is listed

" smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(615) '/home/personal' doesn't exist or is not a directory, when connecting to [personal]

what should i do?

Linux samba problems?
The de facto support site for Samba is,

To help with the Windows/Linux connectivity try this,
Reply:Either the /home/personal directory does not exist on your computer, or you haven't set the permissions on the folder. Remember, the /home/ directory is meant to be used by users on your computer so its permissions are a little more strict.

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